Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How to Make a Family Tree for Free

A very common question among beginners is "How can I make my family tree for free?" Though genealogy can evolve into an expensive hobby, here are some ideas to start to make your family tree for free.

Download free family tree software

One of the best software programs to help you make your family tree, Personal Ancestral File (PAF), is also free! Download PAF (link) to start organizing your information and making your family tree charts for free. Start your family tree by entering your information (name, birth date, birth place, etc.) and continue to add as much information as you know about your family. Once you have entered in everything you personally know, it's time to get help from family members to expand your family tree.

Interview your parents, grandparents and other relatives

The next step in making your family tree--interviewing relatives--is also free! Sit down with your parents, grandparents and other relatives and find out as much information as they know-names, dates, places-about their parents and their grandparents. These interviews should help you make your family tree back to your great-grandparents or even your great-great-grandparents!

Search at free family tree websites

Though many family tree websites require a subscription free, there are a handful of excellent websites that can help you get started:

1) - One of the best places to start searching for your family tree. Search for each of your ancestors from your family tree who have passed away by name and with any other identifying information (birth date, death date, etc.)

2) - With more than 250,000 links to genealogy websites, this is a must-stop for any person trying to make their family tree. Browse through the links related to your family surnames-you may find websites with information that can help you expand certain of your family lines.

3) and - There are thousands of message boards for surnames where you can post as much information as you have on each surname from your family tree and see if there are others also researching the same line who may be able to help!

Visit a local Family History Center

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is very involved with genealogy and has over 1800 Family History Centers in the United States where volunteers can give you free advice on how to make and research your family tree. These volunteers can also help you search for microfilms that you can look at to find your ancestors in records from all over the world.

Share your family tree

After you have followed the steps above to make your family tree for free, share what you have found with other family members. Consider making a family tree website so that others who are researching similar lines may find parts of their family tree for free!

James Groberg is a fan of making your family tree online. For more details and to make your family tree, visit FamilyPulse at Blog96050
Aline Blog40052

Six Teachers from Spain to Teach in the Ohio Schools

Susan Tave Zelman, superintendent of public instruction for the Ohio schools, welcomed six visiting teachers from Spain, who will be teaching in the Ohio schools this coming school year.

Last year, the Ohio schools signed a memorandum of understanding with the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, Spains sponsor for the visiting international teacher program. The ministry started the program in 1986 and has since provided 1,500 visiting teachers to the United States. This is the first year of participation for the Ohio schools.

Spanish language educators have been in short supply in the Ohio schools, yet they are in critical demand in order to prepare Ohio schools students for their future and the new millennium. With only 200-225 foreign language teachers being graduated from the 25 or so Ohio colleges and universities, the Ohio schools see the visiting teacher program as a plus for everyone.

The visiting educators will teach their native language, culture and history to middle and high school students, while helping the school districts to expand or maintain their Spanish language programs. The teachers will, in return, gain a first-hand experience of American culture, improve their own English language proficiency, and develop new relationships that hopefully will be lasting ones.

The Ohio schools students will benefit greatly from the program, too. The National Governors Association already has called for state public school systems to expose their students to the global world in which they now live. The association believes that global thinking and learning is essential in the future of todays students. The Ohio schools are accepting this challenge by participating in the visiting teacher program to ensure their students learn to speak another language, as well as understand and appreciate another culture.

Whether Ohio schools students work in the United States or abroad in the future, the exposure today will benefit them tomorrow. Of the U.S. population, 12 percent are Hispanic. Ohios own Hispanic community has grown from approximately 140,000 in 1990 to about 217,000 in 2000. Some states, such as Florida, Texas and California, have even greater communities of Hispanic residents.

Currently, only 45 percent of students across the nation take a foreign language in high school. Ohios Governor Taft has proposed that all Ohio schools students be required to take at least two years of foreign language study, though it is not yet a requirement.

The six educators that will teach in the Ohio schools during the 2006-2007 school year are:

Maria Espada Blanco from Madrid, Spain. Maria will teach in the Constellation Community Schools in Parma, Cuyahoga County

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Alikee Blog40817
Anna Diana Blog76356

Home Equity Loan: What You Should Know

Many people are talking about a home equity loan, at work, weekends and even at the dinner table. Why is it the flavor of the month and what should you know about a home equity loan to ensure you stay out of strife if you decide to enter this realm.

Owning your home is a valuable asset for anyone in a lifetime. If you agree to a home equity loan, you are in fact putting this great asset at risk. Home equity loans are appealing due to the low interest rates and (in some cases) the tax deductibility of interest, but they also represent a risky business.

It sometimes has to be faced, if things dont work out. Consider a significant expense and not to having the necessary cash to cover it. Examples of such expenses are medical bills, major house repairs or a childs college education. A home equity loan could be the solution to your financial problems, at least for a short term. By using the equity youve built in your home over time you can borrow a significant amount of money. You have to repay the amount borrowed plus a (usually) low interest over a fixed period of time. If you fail to do this, you may lose your house.

Usually, in order to pay off the entire loan until the fixed time, you are required to make equal monthly payments. The lenders are obliged to disclose all important facts of their home equity plan, all terms and costs, such as the APR, different charges, and payment terms. After you have received this information, lenders do not normally charge any other fee that has not been specified in the plan. When you take on a home equity loan, you have normally had a few days from the day the account was opened to cancel it.

There are some basic although important things you should consider when youre considering a home equity loan, in order to avoid a life changing mistake sometimes.

Firstly, if you have money problems, you must consider other options too, before using the equity in your home. Talk to your creditors or contact a budget counseling organization. A plan that would consolidate or reduce your payments might be enough to get you out-of-trouble. Also ask the opinion of someone other than the lender offering the home equity loan. someone you trust and who is reasonably knowledgeable.

If you decide a home equity loan is what you want, you should research the offers of several lenders, including banks or a credit union.

There are many lenders who make use of abusive lending practices and you must be aware of these practices if you want to minimize your risks. Here are some scenarios of such practices.

Equity stripping. You have built up equity in your home but you dont have much income coming each month and you need money. A lender encourages you to make a home equity loan, even if you explain that your income is not enough to keep up with it. Of course, the lender doesnt care if you are not able to pay, he has nothing to lose, on the contrary, he wins a lot. If you are not cerebral enough to get a realistic view of things and let yourself be easily persuaded you will probably lose your home.

The balloon payment. Youve already made a home equity loan and, fail to pay the mortgages and youre very close to losing your home. Another lender offers to save you by refinancing and lowering your monthly payment. You have to be very attentive regarding the loan terms. The reason why the payments are lower may be that he asks you to repay only the interest rate each month. At the end of the term, you may find you still have to pay the entire amount that you borrowed. This sum is called a balloon payment.

The home improvement loan. A contractor offers to remodel your kitchen, or install a new roof at a low price. You explain you cant afford this, but he offers to arrange finance through a lender he knows. You agree and he begins work. At some point, you are being asked to sign a lot of papers without having enough time to read them and you sign them. Later, you realize youve signed a home equity loan, and even one with aberrant terms and interest rates.

By using the equity in your home, you can benefit by receiving a significant fixed amount of money, repayable over a fixed period, available for any kind of use and at a low interest rate. You may also be allowed to deduct the interest, under the tax law. At a first glance, the home equity loan sounds appealing. But, on the other hand, if you fail to repay, for one reason or another, you may lose your home. Bottom line is that a home equity loan is a good thing if managed and used carefully. If you are considering a home equity loan, you should carefully balance costs vs. benefits, before charging ahead.

Bill Darken - There's a good student loan area along with more relevant general loans assistance such as home, car, and consolidation loans. There are highly informative eye opening articles and up-to-date loans news as well, see it here at home equity loan or if the previous link is not working, you can paste this link in your browser - Blog17920
Ally Blog5222

PC Time Synchronisation Services

Computers maintain time and date information using internal real-time clock chips. These chips are battery-backed and maintain time even when the power to the computer is switched off. However, the components utilised are relatively low-cost devices and have a tendency to drift by relatively large amounts. This article describes various ways of keeping the time on your computer accurate. It also shows how to synchronise a computers system clock with a highly accurate reference clock.

Computer systems time can drift anything from a few seconds a day to a few minutes each day. When processing transactions or performing time critical tasks across a number of computers, incorrect time can be a real headache.

The Internet found and solved this problem a number of years ago by developing the Network Time Protocol. NTP can be used to distribute accurate time from a highly precise time server to network time clients. Most modern operating systems have the ability to synchronise time with a NTP server. Generally, all that is required is the IP address or domain name of Stratum 1 or Stratum 2 NTP servers.

LINUX and UNIX operating systems can download the full NTP implementation from the NTP web site ''. NTP is freely available open source software available under the GNU public licence.

Microsoft Windows XP/2000/2003 and Vista operating systems have an integrated SNTP client. SNTP stands for Simple Network Time Protocol. Simple Network Time Protocol provides a sub-set of the Network Time Protocols algorithms. SNTP provides a simplified NTP algorithm with many of the complex routines to acheive high precision removed. Windows operating systems allow an IP address or domain name of a Internet or Intranet NTP server to be entered in the time properties tab. The SNTP client will then periodically contact the NTP server in order to update and synchronise system time.

A problem arises, however, if the computer does not have access to the Internet or is not networked. What is required is local access to an accurate time reference. However, there are many freely available time and frequency resources that can be utilsied.

A number of national time and frequency radio broadcasts are available. These radio broadcasts are generally referred to by their 'call sign'. WWVB is the North-American time and frequency radio transmission, broadcast for Colorado in the States. DCF is the call-sign of the German radio time transmission, which is broadcast from Meinflingen near Frankfurt. The UK time transmitter is located at Anthorn, Cumbria, it's call sign is MSF. A number of other broadcasts are available in France, Canada, Switzerland and Japan. USB and serial radio receivers are available that can receive radio time broadcasts and provide computers with accurate timing information. The PC system time can then be synchronised to the received time and frequency radio source.

The problem with national radio time broadcasts is that they inherantly have a finite transmission range. Their transmissions are generally regional and limited to national boundaries. The Global Positioning System (GPS) provides a solution to this. The GPS system operates from a number of orbiting satellites. Each satellite has an on-board highly accurate synchronised atomic clock. GPS can provide highly precise timing information anywhere on the face of the planet. All that is required to receive the GPS transmissions is a low-cost GPS receiver and antenna. The GPS antenna needs to be shown a good clear view of the sky for correct operation. By connecting a PC to a serial or USB GPS receiver, accurate timing information is continuously available.

To summarise, a wide range of highly accurate computer timing references are freely available. Utilising the Internet, National time and frequency radio transmissions or the GPS system can ensure that a computers time remains locked to a precise time reference.

David Evans provides technical authoring services to the computer time synchronisation industry. For detailed information on Windows 2000/2003 Radio and GPS time server systems, please visit: Blog78131
Britta Blog57300

Selecting the Right Junior College For You

First off, Congratulations! You either just graduated from High School and are ready to take the next step in your education, or you are heading back to school to enhance your education. Either way, you are probably looking at your different Junior College or Community College options . You may be trying to weigh the differences between attending a University or a Junior College for the first two years of your education as well.

For most, this is big decision that should not be taken lightly. There are many factors to consider before you make a formal decision on moving forward such as Financial costs, location, Career choices, Credit transfer opportunities, Specialties, and athletics.

Below we will walk through some of the items that should be considered when selecting the correct Junior College for you.

Financial Considerations

One of the many considerations for most is the cost of a college education. The difference most times in cost between a University and a Junior College can be significant. The costs can be decreased further if you stay in your local area to attend Junior or Community College. The in state rate for most residents is typically very affordable.

On option that most students consider is attending a Junior or Community College for the first two years and meet all the initial requirements prior to transferring to a four year institution. Economically this makes a lot of sense. In addition, many also reduce their expenses further by staying at home for these first two years to offset some of the living expenses related to the first two years of college.

Before taking this route, make sure to research the different options for transferring your credits from the Junior College or Community College of choice. Many times this is relatively straight forward unless you are attending a very specialized College.

Location , Location, Location

It is very common for most to consider those Junior Colleges in their immediate area. While the financial decision there is a no brainer, there are other factors to consider.

Take a good long look at where you want to be in 5 years. What industry and career are you leaning towards? What is your passion?

Often times the Junior College search does not include Junior Colleges outside the student home state. That could be a mistake. You need to consider what industry your are persuing and seek out those Colleges in those regions. These regions may have internship opportunities, or other entry level positions that can assist in getting to where you want to be. Yes, the cost is often more for out of state residents, but if it accelerates your career forward even better.

Career Choices

Before you finalize on a Junior College, make sure you are getting the best education possible for your area of interest. Many Junior Colleges have strong programs that get you started on the right foot while gaining credits towards your BA degree.

You can find Junior Colleges that have strong Computer Science and Nursing programs. Many of these are highly regarded and can assist in getting your foot in the door at a four year institution. Make sure to ask the College Counselors specifically about your area of interest and your Career goals. If they are honest they may direct you to a more suitable Junior or Community College that fits you.

Athletic Choices

Are you an athlete looking to compete at the collegiate level? If so, many have had success at starting their collegiate athletic career in a Junior College and transferring to a University. Often times the University athletic programs are superior in quality and depth.

Why not start at the Junior College level and work your way up. Often, University coaches will recruit from local Community and Junior Colleges. This is a great way to stay competitive and work your way up. Many Junior Colleges also provide athletic scholarships for Baseball, Basketball, Volleyball etc..

Dont overlook these opportunities if you want to continue competing in College.

Matt D Murren owns and operates Junior CollegesAuria Blog86779
Cathee Blog91641

Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves!

Lesbian love is nothing new; Sappho was an Ancient Greek poetess who was born on the island of Lesbos. Many of her love poems were addressed to other women and the female narrators in many of her works speak of infatuations and love for various women. The word "lesbian" derives from the island on which she lived and her name is the origin of the word "sapphic". However, until recently, the idea of one woman loving another, let alone sleeping with another female has been perceived as something either very unusual and rare, or just downright strange. Over the last few years, there's been a gradual sea-change in regard to the general perception of what being 'lesbian' really means. The traditional image of the cropped haired, rather aggressive looking, butch dyke might still apply to some gay women, but now we're coming out of the closet in our millions and the world can see that actually, in most cases, we look just like the girl next door.

This mass 'coming out' is partly due to the proliferation of lesbian-centric resources on the internet; type in the word 'lesbian' into any of the search engines and you'll see a plethora of heavily populated chat rooms, directories, forums and dating sites like which are the exclusive territory of sapphic women. It is this availability of male-free communities that has coaxed so many gay, bisexual and even bi-curious ladies out of their closets and into the open. Also, we now see major cultural icons like Madonna kissing Britney Spears kissing each other full on the lips in front of a television audience of millions which is exactly the right heterosexual seal of 'cool' that we lesbians have waited such a long time to see. Over the years, there have been a great many famous lesbians in both film and music but, unfortunately, they were just too frightened to come out and publicly admit it. Now we have Ellen DeGeneres and KD Lang - both of whom have an army of straight, non-judgmental fans.

The outcome of all this is that there is no longer a social stigma attached to the concept of women dating women or straight women experimenting with their sexuality by taking a same sex partner. Gay guys have been doing it for years but now there's no reason for any woman to feel repressed or uncertain about dating or sleeping with someone of their own sex. Being who we are or want to be is no longer just a possibility, it's a right and it's also something that's now accepted by our straight counterparts.

Whilst the word 'lesbian' is an all encompassing description for a gay woman, it doesn't do justice to the many different types of female who embrace the lifestyle. There are the traditional dykes as well as femmes/lipstsick lesbians whose ultra-feminine appearance would give no clue as to their sexual inclinations and bi-sexual and bi-curious women who occasionally indulge the lesbian side of their sexual and emotional psyches. Just because you don't have the shaved head and the tattoos doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself sexually with another woman if that's what you want to do. So sisters...there's never been a better time to be a lesbian and now is the time to come out of the closet and be loud and proud about joys of lesbian loving!

Sarah Harris is the founder of - a popular lesbian dating site.Cari Blog24986
Alejandra Blog85920

Integrating XML into SAP Business Connector

Corporations are always in search of the most effective mechanism for both acquiring and selling goods as well as services at very minimum total cost over the Internet. The Business Process Connectors for SAP systems supports for the dynamic integration between the application processes and server systems thus it facilitates in faster and efficient functioning of SAP R/3, SAP Portals and MySAP solutions. In the current model, SAP Business Connector Framework uses XML schemas for generating a JSP that can be assessed from any of the web browsers dynamically, so that one can test and deploy integration tools between the application server environment and SAP systems immediately. For the purpose of adding flexibility, convergence of XML schema approach to the SA Business Connector facilitates to all the SAP standards. Thereby the customers can leverage the power and flexibility of XML into their business documents with an improved efficiency and improved cost-effectiveness as well.

Integrating Business Connectors with XML

SAP BC combines both the RFC server and the client. Additionally it supplies an XML layer over R/3 functionality and also comes with XML automation since it has the ability in converting SAPs RFC format into XML. There is no requirement of SAP R/3 automation at the receiving end since it supports both synchronous RFC and asynchronous RFC protocols.

Benefits of XML Integration:

End-to-End Web Business Processes

Internet bridges the gap between different businesses, systems and users and facilitates them to do business via web. SAP BC makes communication easier by its XML conversions. By means of integration with XML, it enables the exchange of structured business documents over the Internet by providing common standard for various applications together with IT systems for communing with each other and for exchanging business data.

Open Business Document Exchange over the Internet

SAP Business Connector uses hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) for exchanging XML-based documents over the Internet. Without the need of developing tool, it guarantees the security in replacing of documents in accordance with the help of its SSL (Security Socket Layer) technology. Additionally, SAP BC offers openness and flexibility for complying with emerging semantics of business that keep on changing frequently.

XML Solutions for SAP services

SAP BC makes all solutions to be accessible by means of XML based business documents and with the support of XML-based interface Repository (IFR) and empowers SAP customers to benefit from SAP functionality over the Internet, it helps all major existing interfaces that are being offered by SAP. This particular IFR gives the choice of downloading XML schemas and tenders a uniform XML interface representation despite different implementation technologies such as RFC, IDOC and BAPI. XML messages are easily translated into equivalent SAP internal call whenever you need and it gets converted back into XML format when received from SAP system thereby enhancing the existing programming model for distributed applications formed by ALE along with SAP BC.

Ron Victor is a SEO copywriter for He written many articles in various topics.For more information visit http://www.simplysap.comContact him at ron.seocopywriter@gmail.comCelia Blog54655
Brynne Blog22048

Going Natural With Hair Loss Remedies

Since the introduction of Rogaine in the early 1980's, androgenic mediated hair loss, or 'male pattern baldness' has been considered a treatable condition through the use of pharmaceutical preparations. The perception that over-the-counter and prescription drugs are the only means to successfully treat this type of hair loss is perpetuated by the lack of well-funded and publicized studies on the efficacy of natural treatments. However, as the understanding of the biological mechanism of male pattern baldness has become clear through a great body of research, the reality of an effective natural treatment regimen is at hand. After a review of the available natural products, some suggestions will be made for creating your own regimen for treating hair loss naturally.

The overall cause of male pattern baldness is now well-known: this type of hair loss seen in about a third of the male population is mediated by the androgenic metabolite of testosterone known as dihydrotestosterone or DHT. The production of this now-infamous hormone increases later in life for many men, along with changes with the receptors for this hormone at the hair follicles.

In general, the pertinent hair follicles shrink with continued exposure to the androgenic hormone, some forming only small, villus hairs, while others eventually die completely. Some sources claim these follicles are still getting an adequate blood supply, while others note a waxy buildup or scar-like tissue surrounding the follicles, preventing adequate nutrient delivery. Thus, the localized cause of hair loss, at the follicle level, is still being researched. This does not mean there has been success in discovery of natural hair loss remedies!

Whether using a pharmaceutical, natural, or combination regimen to re-grow hair, genetically-related hair loss should be addressed on two fronts: reducing the production and effects of DHT, and stimulating the hair follicles themselves back into action.

Prescription drugs such as Finasteride and Dutasteride are available which lower blood levels of DHT, and have been used to improve hair loss conditions. There are now several well-known natural, plant-based products which either reduce testosterone's conversion to DHT (via the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme system), block the binding of DHT to receptor sites, or both. Most common, and most important are Saw Palmetto Berry extract and Stinging Nettle Root extract. These to herbs work in combination to both block the conversion of testosterone to DHT and prevent it's binding to receptor sites in the scalp. Other herbs employed with similar functions include pygeum africanum and pumpkin seed oil, both used to bring into balance the testosterone/DHT ratio; lastly, the plant sterol Beta-Sitosterol is often used successfully to treat prostate enlargement, which has similar causes to male pattern baldness - whether it will support hair growth is not yet known, but it likely won't hurt!. Finally, getting an adequate supply of Zinc is also important in maintaining this hormonal balance. The entire androgen hormone regulation system is fairly complex; just remember these items: Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root (not leaf!), Pygeum, Zinc, and Beta-Sitosterol. By the way, if using a prostate formula for these nutrients, they should be taken in gel cap form - they are better absorbed this way than in plain powder, and hence more effective.

In addition to these herbs, which are also commonly used around the world for blocking the creation and effects of DHT, Procyanidins, or Polyphenols, have been shown to inhibit DHT systemically, AND can stimulate hair growth when applied topically. These anti-oxidant compounds first became renown with the discovery of the amazing action of grape seed extract and it's powerful ability as a free-radical scavenger. More recently, Japanese researchers went through the effort of testing HUNDREDS of compounds in the laboratory for their effect on the stimulation of hair growth, and they found the compounds of grape seed extract grew hair at a greater rate than the pharmaceutical preparation Minixodil. With further testing, using variations of the polyphenols, they discovered those found in apple skin polyphenols to be even more effective, nearly twice effective as Rogaine. Further, with the addition of Forskolin, another herbal extract, the effect was even greater. Exciting news! The interesting thing is that these compounds actually stimulated the hair follicles to become active, whereas it seems Rogaine works by lowering blood pressure in the scalp, thereby increasing blood flow to the follicles. And these compounds did not produce an initial 'shedding' as Rogaine has been known to do.

In addition to the polyphenols, certain essential oils alone and in combination can be effective at hair growth stimulation. In a Scottish study on alopecia areata patients, a blend of Lavender, Thyme, Cedarwood and Rosemary oils based in Jojoba and Grapeseed was found to significantly enhance the regrowth of hair compared to an application of just the base oils alone. Many essential oils, including lavender and rosemary, contain 'ketones', molecules that have been found to cause the skin to regenerate. Further, these oils could be enhanced with the addition of Rosehip Seed oil, which contains compounds similar to Retin-A, a pharmaceutical which has been used in combination with Rogaine for faster effects.

Given all this wonderful information, how does one combine them into an effective regimen? The best thing to do is keep it simple - the more simple it is, the more likely it is you'll stay with it for the several months it will take to see significant effects. So, for the systemic DHT suppression and inhibition, look at formulas either designed specifically for hair, or those for the support of the Prostate gland - they will contain almost the exact same ingredients. Look for a high-quality supplement, with standardized Saw Palmetto extract, Nettle Root extract, and Pygeum extract. Do not take the un-extracted herbs, they will not likely be strong enough in doses you are willing to consume. Saw Palmetto can be consumed in doses between 160 and 320mg daily, Nettle Root a bit more, and Pygeum significantly less. They should be in a gel cap, preferably in Pumpkin seed oil. Take a separate Beta Sitosterol supplement, around 400mg daily, if it is not included already. This is typically found in dry capsules, and there have not been reports of the importance of consuming this in an oil-based capsule, though you can take it with fatty food if you want to be sure (this may help the absorption). Add an oral supplement of Green Tea extract, Grape Seed extract, or Apple Polyphenol extract if you like, along with a good multivitamin.

For the topical application, one can find natural hair care products on the internet using apple polyphenols, or you can make your own for less cost. Apple polyphenols are just now becoming available in bulk and in capsules. You can create your own topical blend by mixing these into water or an alcohol/water solution at 1-3% by weight (1 ounce of water weighs about 30 grams, so 1 gram of apple polyphenols in one ounce of water will produce about a 3% solution - more is not better here, as there was a drop-off in effectiveness with higher concentrations in the laboratory). An herbal extract of Forskolin can also be added to enhance the effects. Finally, this can all be made in Nettle Root tea as the base, adding a DHT inhibitor to the blend. Try applying 2 - 3 times daily.

For the essential oils, the recipe used in the scientific study was as follows: 3 drops of essential oil of thyme, 3 drops of essential oil of lavender, 3 drops of essential oil of rosemary 3 drops of essential oil of cedarwood based in 1/8 cup of grapeseed oil and 1/8 cup of jojoba oil. Apply during the day some time, massaging into the scalp, and leaving in for 20 minutes to an hour, then wash out, or apply before going to bed. This will give enough time for the oils to penetrate the skin and have their effect. If you wish to further enhance this blend, you may squeeze some of the gel caps of Saw Palmetto et. al. into the oil, which can reduce the effects of DHT topically, in addition to the systemic effect of the oral supplements.

So there it is, the roundup of the more well-known and tested natural remedies for male pattern baldness. While Rogaine for growth stimulation, and Finasteride or Dutasteride for DHT inhibition are completely reasonable ways to go, their costs are high and the effects of their long term use are not well known. And then there are some folks that would prefer to stay away from chemically manufactured medicines altogether - hopefully this bit of information will help. There is much more research available on the internet, though hopefully this is enough information to get you confidently started.

Eric V. Allen is a consultant to Ananda Apothecary, a resource for and Blog67978
Brigid Blog69285

Are All-Inclusive Family Vacations Worth It?

If you do not want to worry about settling the hotel bills when you check out, pay time and again for airport transfers, pay for each meal while you are on your vacation, an all-inclusive is an excellent option. All-inclusive family vacations give you the security of knowing that the price you pay once and for all covers everything, without giving you any surprises. Hassles in paying different bills separately should not leave you wondering why you went on holiday in the first place, and why you took a vacation that ends up emptying your bank account! But are all-inclusive family vacations worth the money spent?

Let us be honest. All-inclusive resorts can be expensive. But there is a positive side to it. If you are going to a destination where the cost of meals, snacks, liquor and activities are expensive, an all-inclusive vacation may save you money.

All inclusive family vacations is perfect for those people who just want to enjoy themselves while they are on vacation, without being bothered about making payments every time they turn around. However, if you are the type who is very particular about everything and you do not drink or eat what is normally served in hotels, then an all-inclusive vacation could be expensive overall.

If you are traveling with children, all-inclusive vacation may just be the answer you have been looking for. Many all-inclusive vacation destinations have child care facilities. Resorts often organize events and activities for their young guests to keep them busy and entertained. This means that the parents have more free time to enjoy their holiday. Some all-inclusive hotels do not charge extra if the children share their parents room. However, you would need to check with the hotel or resort if they have such a facility. Moreover, you need to check with them concerning what their age limit criteria are.

All-inclusive vacations are also good when you have chosen a destination where venturing out would be unsafe or unadvisable. You can enjoy the local flavor in the resort or hotel without endangering yourself or your family. When you opt for an all-inclusive vacation in such scenario you will end up enjoying yourself and having a worry-free holiday.

However, choosing an all-inclusive vacation has to be made by you after weighing all the factors. If you want to have a vacation where you do not have to worry about money or where you would definitely enjoy the food and take advantage of all the activities and entertainment offered by the resort or hotel, then an all inclusive family vacation might be a good idea.

On the other hand, if you are type who wants to explore the locality, spend time in the vacation destination absorbing the ambience, or if you enjoy experimenting with the local cuisine, then and all-inclusive vacation may not be for you. You would better off choosing different holiday package for your family.

Jolana Klobouk, a former travel agent, is editor of and where you can find great all inclusive famlily vacations at Blog65904
Cathlene Blog89703

Getting You First Big Break in Acting; Getting Started

Acting - Getting Started

Acting is a very competitive field of work. Get a mind-set of: "Make-it-so" and use it always. Your first role is "You" as as a persistent actor who stops at nothing. There is no one sure shot formula to make it big in the acting industry. What one needs is a fair amount of luck along with connections and a will to stick it out till the end and of course, most importantly, talent.

Amateur Productions

Try and take part in as many such productions as you can. Even small town local theaters would do. This will provide you with the very essential practice as well as confidence. Also, it is of utmost importance not to lose heart. Remember that many great actors were spotted by agents and casting directors in such amateurish productions in small town theater halls.

Student Films

Colleges have their own productions. You can participate in such a student production in your college or school. Also film schools require their students make a number of films and the student directors are always on the lookout for amateurs who can act well. The pay will be minimal. However, it will add to your resume. Even if the film is bad, your acting skills will show through. Always keep tapes of such acting exercises, so to speak.


Being cast as an extra has its plus points too. Films being shot on location need extras. Participating as an extra will give you valuable experienceyou can actually see how a film is actually made. Also, it might just help you make the right connections. With real contacts with casting directors from the film industry you will go a long way.

Independent Films

Independent film makers work on shoe-string budgets. They can not afford big names from the glamorous acting world. They might be on the look out for new faces with fresh talent. Keep a look out for such filmsthey are the best bet for an actor who is just starting out. They might go a long way in establishing your career as often such films meet with huge popular and/or critical success.

Through the ways mentioned above you can gain a considerable experience which can make your resume look really attractive and weighty. With a suitable portfolio you can get yourself an agent. This agent then takes over and finds films suitable for you.

He or she is better suited for this job of film hunting that you because of the agents prior experience as well as contacts. But above all be positive. Becoming a popular actor is extremely difficult and can be achieved only through the dint of hard work. You are bound to meet with failures, disappointments and frustrating episodes.

Only perseverance can bring success.

Jack Tracy is an Actor/Director with a passion for film and contributes to the site: Acting SecretsBertha Blog6383
Berti Blog6630

Payday Quick Loans

There are some important things that you should know before you take up a payday quick loan. You might be tempted to jump at the opportunity that is provided to you if you are in a financial crisis and need the money badly.

The approval process for all loan companies that offer payday quick loans online is pretty simple; and once you provide them, the required details-for instance your job proof, previous salary stub, and checking account details-your approval will not take much time.

This makes it necessary for you to know what the fees and terms of repayment are. You should also do a thorough research of all the companies offering payday quick loans if you wish to apply for one online only. You can in no time get to know which will be the most economical offer for you.

The upper limit of these payday quick loans is usually $1500, and the money is electronically deposited in your checking account instead of your having to wait for money orders to arrive in the mail. The fee for, say $100, is about 15-30 %. Although of late, owing to the competition in the market among the companies offering these loans, the rates have come down to 12% in some cases.

It is advisable to ask for the loan with the shortest term, for as if you keep it for a longer time, the fee will also increase automatically. That is why it is advisable to seek these loans only when you are in dire need of cash and borrow the minimum possible requirement and not borrow any extra money for just-in-case times. Obviously, you wouldnt like paying interest for money that was lying idly in your account. Payday quick loans are meant for a purpose and should be handled likewise.

Payday quick loans solve the financial problems of a vast majority of people today and therefore they should not be abused lest, you founder in the waters of debts for ages. The benefits of these loans that most attract people are that there are no questions asked about why you want to borrow the money and there is no credit check involved. So for people with poor credit scores, these loans are a boon.

For further information, you can visit .

As the founding director of Outsourcing Haven, Mandeep Raj Mishra has effectively completed a number of SEO projects in various industries. He has been involved in the area of SEO for a couple of years and has also written a number of articles, reviews and critical analysis related to Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization.Berti Blog89872
Bess Blog91982

Personal Trainer

At urban recreational facilities, suburbia's fancy-health clubs, and at local YW/YMCAs, the trend toward working out with the various types of sophisticated muscle-building equipment, performing aerobics or calisthenics and stretching exercises has risen in the last few years.

From these occurrences it appears as if many out-of-shape people recognize the need for regular exercise and sensible eating habits as they gain an acceptance of a pleasingly contoured physique that exudes vitality, strength, coordination and muscularity.

Because of widespread media coverage, a now national preoccupation with being in shape and staying trim has incited additional would-be fitness enthusiasts to join recreational facilities.

However, scores of these new enthusiasts shell out hundreds of dollars for memberships, then immediately start to invent some imaginative but rather unconvincing excuses to avoid ever again setting foot in what more than a handful of them collectively call "sweat producing chambers."

Their intentions usually are good, and, some, even praiseworthy. (For example, one woman said that she wished to reduce her body's subcutaneous fat and redistribute her weight so that she would feel healthier and look more attractive in her clothes, while a man said that he wished to increase blood circulation and improve his body's immunity to germs and infections.) Yet, when left to their own devices, a lot of them do not seem to be able to summon up the willpower required to undergo the muscle trembling agony of vigorous exercise on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, recent studies show that well over half of the people who begin some kind of exercise activity quit it within six months.

They start to abandon their facilities for varied reasons such as: He 1: "I really hate the large crowds and deafening noises;" or, She: "I am just too bashful to exercise with a bunch of strangers around me;" or, He 2: "More often than not, I find that all the machines I need for my workout are in use when I get to the club. Consequently, I have to sit around wasting my valuable time until the machines are available."

Besides those above, there are other reasons why getting into and staying in shape tends to be a hassle for a host of people who wish to do so. One is that, after a tough eight-hour workday, most employees' primary desire is to go home and unwind. They have to really push themselves not only to follow through with their earlier plan to work out but also to "fight all that dreadful, rush-hour traffic" to travel "all that way" to their recreational facility, making an already difficult day seem considerably longer and even more exhausting. At this juncture, the work out that should be mentally and physically gratifying, and ultimately relaxing, becomes another inconvenient task for them to perform.

As an alternative to the frenzied gym scene, a fair percentage of turned-off exercisers, as well as those engaged in serious athletic training, seek the services of a professional personal trainer to help them get started, or to keep them from becoming bored with working out by suggesting new routines, or overcoming a sticking point. And many of these exercisers find a personal trainer to be what they needed to assist them in putting an end to those and some of the other multifarious problems they encountered through the physical conditioning process.

For the purpose of clarification, a personal trainer is a qualified, competent, conditioning instructor conversant in such subjects as exercise physiology, kinesiology, behavior modification, health assessment, nutrition, and weight management. These days, many elite trainers across the country have either a college degree or are certified by a nationally recognized accredited organization like the American College of Sports Medicine or the American Council of Exercise (other organizations can be found at

A personal trainer, after evaluating their clients present physical condition and helping to spell out their goals, works with them to devise and implement exercise and nutrition programs that embody what their clients need to achieve their respective health and fitness objectives. With the trainer as motivator, guide and coach, clients perform a wider variety and a larger number of exercises during their workout sessions than most of them would do on their own. And they are able to do this at a reduced risk of being subjected to musculo-skeletal injuries to their bodies.

These no-nonsense exercises enable clients to develop their bodies faster and with a higher degree of effectiveness than many of them could achieve working out by themselves. Additionally, customized, one-on-one instruction gives clients the opportunity to talk with their personal trainer at each workout session regarding the exercise program.

A committed trainer never forsakes a client. When leaving a client on his or her own, a committed trainer takes the initiative to call to ensure the client is carrying on with the exercise program and to answer any questions the client may have. A committed trainer is also continually on the lookout for safe, innovative ways to help a client get in top physical condition. What's more, a committed trainer always has high regard for a client and when the occasion warrants mails thank-you, birthday, and anniversary cards.

Currently, personal trainers are one of the most highly sought after groups of exercise specialists in the fitness industry. In the health care arena, their services are used by patients recovering from many types of physical impairments, who with their physician's permission, exercise to become healthy, strong and ambulatory once again.

However, personal trainers are mostly hired by actors, models, competitive athletes and fast-track corporate executives, whose livelihoods depend on them being fit, functioning at peak ability while on the job and looking youthful. These active, successful people know that individuals who are well-conditioned possess and readily display energy and strength. Plus, they usually have much improved mental capabilities and more creativity as well.

They know, too, that physical fitness in the healthy individual promotes a feeling of being "on top of it all." Perhaps most important, they are aware of the medical data showing that frequent exercise is one of the best ways to manage the pressures which commonly occur in the life of a hard-working professional.

Furthermore, today's high-powered men and women at the top, and those moving in that direction, operate under stringent deadlines. With daily calendars full of appointments, their days are hectic, tedious and long. They have precious few, if any, spare minutes. While on the job, every second represents substantial dollars to them and their companies. Therefore, they are very conscious of the ever-ticking clock and find it almost impossible to set aside time for anything other than work.

For this reason, the majority of clients prefer having a trainer who is able to meet with them at a prearranged, mutually convenient time and location. The time could be before the client starts work, at noontime, or at the close of the workday. The location could be privately in the client's home, the client's place of business, a recreational facility, or some other place that offers convenience, provides security, and anything else the client and trainer desire to facilitate them in having not only an excellent workout session but also allowing them to arrive and leave in comfort and safety.

But adding the services of a personal trainer to one's life is not cheap. Actually, it's quite expensive. Personal trainers charge clients from $25 to $100 an hour. Although, on average, a workout session costs $30 to $35.

So along with finding a trainer who complements your personality, you had better be sure that you are devoted to working out and attaining your preconceived fitness goals when you retain a trainer. Try hard to make your body-conditioning experience one that ends up with you getting positive results by not letting yourself become a fitness dropout. In the final analysis, the benefits you reap from your workouts will only be commensurate with the time and effort you put into them. Visit web site

La Rue BriggsBeth Blog35141
Berri Blog8145

Rhyming and School Plays/Programs

Rhyming makes learning easier for everyone. If you want a child to learn something quickly there are two things that will make the process much easier and less painful for everyone involved. One is to put it to music and the other is to make it into a rhyme.

Many if not all parents, preschool and kindergarten teachers use these methods several times a day to get their children to learn. They not only recite nursery rhymes or sing songs, but many put the childs phone number and address to music and rhyme to help their children learn them.

As the children get older teachers use the same methods to teach, multiplication facts, states, counties, states, English rules, punctuation and many other subjects. Putting them to music makes it even easier for children to learn.

I have found when I do school programs that if I will write the script in rhyme then the students can learn their parts much easier and with less rehearsal. This helps keep rehearsals to a minimal. With all the testing and subjects that teachers are being asked to teach and do they have little time for the fun things at school.

I started writing my own elementary school plays 30 years ago and my students loved to participate. It took a lot of memorizing, out of school rehearsal, and after school and during school rehearsal. That is time that teachers no longer have to give to programs. With the No child Left Behind and all the testing required their time is limited. That is why in the last 15 years I have been putting most of my school programs/plays to rhyme.

When you put the script to rhyme and in stanzas then you can get away with a minimal amount of time for rehearsing. That does not include the music which I ask the music teacher to teach in her regular music class.

When you put the parts in rhyme then you can hand out the parts a couple of weeks before the program and the students will have them memorized and ready for rehearsal in a week. Most students will have it memorized the first night. This way you do not have to go over and over each scene.

Thus, with the rhyming I have been able to take a school program that required many of hours of practice and be able to produce a quality program in 3-4 hours of rehearsal spread out over a week. So put your programs to rhyme or find some that are written that way and you will be able to have time enough to still do a program

Caroline Mackay is a retired teacher of thirty seven years and writer and producer of many school programs. She is the host of and Blog47004
Aleece Blog25408

Photo Christmas Cards - 7 Unique Ideas for This Year's Holiday Card

Your friends, relatives and neighbors are eagerly looking forward to your annual Christmas photo cards. But how do you make this year's holiday card really fresh and original? Here are seven ideas to help you make your new photo Christmas cards stand out.

1. Go black and white photo for a dramatic look. Many digital cameras have a setting that will enable you to take your photo in black and white. Or you can change a color snapshot to grayscale in your photo editing software. If you don't know how to do it yourself, most photo card companies can do it for you at no extra charge.

2. The more, the merrier. This year, include more than just the kids in your photo Christmas cards. Get in the picture with them! One year my uncle remarked that while he enjoyed receiving a photo of the kids every year, he would like to see a picture of us, too. So, gather the entire family, even the pets. And if you have an opportunity during the year to attend a large family get together with grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins, you might consider using a large group family photo.

3. Pack the Santa hat on vacation. Whether you're going to the beach, sightseeing in the city or pumpkin picking in the fall, bring along a holiday prop or two, such as a Christmas stocking or ornament. When you're taking photos of your family excursion, include a few with everyone holding or wearing the Christmas props for refreshingly different holiday photo.

4. Think personality. While you might enjoy a posed photo of your children all cleaned up, in nice clothes, with not even a hair out of place, it doesn't show off their real personalities. For more interesting photo Christmas cards, try taking some candid photos of your kids doing things they enjoy. Or pose them with props that reflect their interests or accomplishments.

5. Scrapbook a page. If you're creative, you can put together several cropped photos and your greeting on holiday background paper, then photograph or scan it to be used as your photo Christmas card. Since most photo card companies use 4 x 6 inch photos to produce your cards, trim a standard 12 x 12 inch scrapbooking page to 12 inches wide by 8 inches high as your background for your layout.

6. Embellish it. Even if you have already ordered standard photo Christmas cards, you might still be able to jazz them up a bit. Check out the scrapbooking aisles in your local craft store for tiny embellishments, such as bows, ribbons, and other holiday dimensional items. These are practically flat, since they are meant for a scrapbook page, so they will still fit into your envelope after you glue them on your cards.

7. Shop around. There are so many photo Christmas card companies on the internet that are offering unique, original, personalized designs. Some designs can even contain multiple photos, so you don't have to worry about getting that one perfect snapshot. Or they will put your photo into the shape of an ornament, tree, or other holiday symbol. Many companies will let you write your own message, so you have more choices and options. They come in all price ranges, so it pays to do some browsing.

So, don't be afraid to try something a little different with your photo Christmas cards this year. With a little imagination, your holiday photo cards will be truly special.

Linda Kling is the owner of which offers personalized photo favors for all occasions, as well as unique, custom photo cards at Check out her website for more ideas, lots of free party tips, hints, recipes, quotations, printable candy bar wrappers and more.Casi Blog72498
Anna Blog23479

How To Find The Best Spyware Blocker

With the purpose of finding the most excellent spyware blocker for the PC you foremost have to be familiar with what a proper spyware blocker is supposed to do. There is a list of features, which you ought to pay attention to when purchasing anti spyware program and given below are some of those features in details.

A proper spyware detection software will make available to the user a simple to use, total solution to getting rid of spyware. This spyware detection software ought to furthermore come with regular updates and include different monitoring alternatives on hand.

The Features You Have To Pay Attention To

When it is about buying a spyware blocker there are a few features, which you ought to make certain, are incorporated with the anti spyware program you select. The foremost thing you will have to make sure is that the anti spyware program will provide you with a detailed list of the identified spyware, which is located in your PC in order that you can make a decision whether to carry on with them or not. Is there a variety of software incorporated along with the spyware blocker, which will help with the identification of spyware in an even easier manner?

The next feature, which is very important, is real time security. In other words, we suggest that the spyware blocker you select ought to in addition be capable of preventing spyware from setting up in your PC. The spyware blocker ought to be simple to make use of and the time it needs to carry out an inspection of your PC ought to moreover be taken into deliberation. A few spyware detection programs can take about thirty minutes to inspect your PC.

One more vital feature to think about is the easiness of installation and set up of the spyware blocker. If you mean to shell out money on getting rid of spyware then it ought to be simple to set up and make use of. Support and help should furthermore be on hand and their accessibility also ought to be thought about and looked into prior to your purchasing your spyware blocker.

If you follow these little guidelines, you are sure to buy the most excellent spyware blocker for your PC.

Frank ShowalterBelinda Blog77149
Cecil Blog24844

Diseases Caused By Toxic Mold

There are a lot of diseases that are caused by toxic molds and you may not even realize that some of the molds are actually in your house. It has been said that there are over 100,000 species of mold that exists through out the world. They are tiny and thin spores that produce themselves in different locations. The spores spread through the air and the water. Insects can also transport the spores.

Toxic mold can be dangerous and sometimes fatal for those who come in contact with the mold. Mot household molds are in colors like red, green, blue, black, and brown. The only two that are toxic that is found in the household are Stachybotrys and Memnolniella molds. There are found in damp, dark, and wet places in and around the house.

Stachybortrys grow in damp environments and on materials like wallpaper, cardboard, tile, insulation, and wood. Black mold, among the worst, feeds on things that dont have cellulose like stachybotrys. They are poisonous because they produce mycotoxin. When inhaled it is ingested by humans and then will cause many unpleasant symptoms.

You should know that mold affects a lot of people. In fact, sensitive people (those with mold allergies) will get symptoms right away. The nose will become stuffy, eyes will be irritated, and they will begin to wheeze. It will also cause fevers and loss of breath-which may cause death.

If the lungs are obstructed with cancer or a disease, you will find that it will cause an infection to the lungs and may cause death that way. Molds like black mold have been responsible for many fatal conditions like idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage. The victims are usually infants and those with weak immune systems. The mold will also cause headaches, lung infections, fevers, pains, diarrhea, and rashes. It will block your breathing and cause many internal infections in a human body.

The molds can be found practically anywhere in your home or on your home or near your home. Often they are in the basement, showers, corners, or anywhere water was leaked and a mold has developed. Many people practically have of the homes in the US had some type of mold infection in their home.

To get rid of the mold you may need to use a humidifier in your basement, air condition, add ventilation, tear up carpeting, repaint the walls, clean bathrooms thoroughly, and replace curtains. You may need a professional to come in and clean your home so that you can thoroughly get rid of the spores. You will also want to keep your home clean to prevent the spores from returning.

Copyright © 2006 Lena Hilltorp

Lena Hilltorp is a freelance publisher based in Sweden. She publishes articles and reports and provides Diseases caused by toxic mold resources on Mold in walls toxic Blog71048
Bobette Blog69477

Website Appearance Is Essential As An Internet Marketing Tool


In this article we will go over the most important aspects that when applied synergistically will take your web presence appearance and usability to the next level.

Building a Trustworthy Visual Presence

The importance of the visual presentation of the information on your site cannot be underestimated. The first impression to your audience is strong and memorable whether it is good or not. Unattractive websites can be a turn off. Many people think that if you didn't place any effort in making your business look good, chances are you won't care much about servicing your clients. Even more important, your website appearance can be utilized to evoke certain emotions in people; help building trust, emphasize on your marketing message, and as a result affect your sales.

Color Is a Powerful Weapon

Color is an important element of design that is used to create ideas, convey messages, invoke feelings. Colors often have different meanings in various cultures. Certain colors tend to invoke a similar reaction from most people - the overall difference being in the shades or tones that are used. Colors determine the psychological effect on viewers.

Color is one of the keys to good web design. Colors should be chosen wisely as they can affect the mood of the viewers. They should be chosen in such a way so as to suit the subject of the website. Choosing the right colors for a website involves more than deciding on which colors you like. Achieving color harmony is a science. Our statistics show that sometimes by changing the color scheme of your marketing materials the conversion rates can be affected by as much as 15%.

And remember that color should enhance your site's experience, but because so many people perceive color in so many different ways, color cannot be used to define your site's experience.

Usability and User Friendly Design

Have you ever gone to a website where the information seemed to relate to your needs, visually was very appealing, but it was impossible to figure out how to get what you went there for at the first place?

Front end usability plays an important role in the effectiveness of your site to generate leads. Consumed by today's busy life most people simply do not have time to search for the information that they need. Information should be displayed in clear type, normal size letters and in contrast to the design. Most significantly important marketing messages must be prominent and clear.

Navigation must be easy to understand. The user should be able to get to any area of your site in no more then 2-3 mouse clicks. For complex and multi level navigation it is a good idea to use a "bread crumb" indicator displaying the current position on the website.

For example, when a website visitor is on your contact page, instead of displaying just a page titled "Contact Us" you may want to display:

Home > About the company > CONTACT US

This visually represents that visitor at the "Contact Us" page located in "About the company" section.

When a visitor is inclined to make a purchase you need to provide tools to fulfill users' request. Whether it is a complex shopping cart solution or a simple contact form it is necessary to have fool proof systems in place.

Thank you for taking your time and reading Website appearance is essential as an Internet Marketing Tool. We encourage you to use this information to improve sales on your website today.

Deam Rass - Toronto Internet Marketing SpecialistAnnabell Blog2058
Bertina Blog11763

Teaching English To Non-English Speakers

Teaching the English language to a non english speaking person can be exciting and interesting. If this is of interest to you, consider traveling to other countries to teach.

It is generally preferred for the English teacher to be a native English speaker.

Here are some common terms you should familiarize yourself with:

Before you excitedly answer any employment ads you should learn the meaning of commonly used terms as well as recommendations for working locally or abroad.

TEFL: Teaching English Foreign Language; often refers to teaching English in a foreign country. Known to students as EFL classes.

TESL: Teaching English as a Second Language; usually refers to teaching English to foreigners in an English speaking country. Known to students as ESL classes.

Would you prefer to teach locally or abroad?

For people who wish to travel TEFL can be a great opportunity to interact with new cultures and to finance traveling. It is important to investigate the country you will be traveling to as well as the employer offering the position to ensure you will be safe and have reliable work. You may decide to work with an agency based in your home country that will assist you with legal questions and assist you in making living arrangements.

While many foreign positions are available to individuals without experience or certification you will likely find the education and resources of a class to be valuable before taking an assignment. If you think you would like to try this career out you might offer your services locally, as a private tutor, or take an instruction class to familiarize yourself with the responsibilities and work required to teach a language.

If you choose to work in your own country there will be various guidelines for certification, experience and materials as determined by the employers. If you consider private tutoring you can research recommended course materials and methods online or at a book store or library. You can then advertise your services in a local paper or on college and university billboards.

Teaching English can be very rewarding. However, English is a language that is full of rule breaking nuances. Trying to explain these to a student can be difficult and a person needs to have patience and good personal skills to become an effective teacher.

Do your research to be sure you are interested in the opportunities that there are. Teaching English to non-English speakers really is rewarding and profitable. And, you may get the chance to travel as a bonus!

Yvonne Volante, the author, is a big fan of language and writes for, which is the premier language resource on the internet. You can see all of the articles over at Blog80540
Anita Blog50681

Antique White Bedroom Furniture: Enhance The Elegance Of Your Bedroom

There are several extremely popular types of antique bedroom furniture at any given time, usually in line with the fashions of the day, but one type seems to remain as popular as it has ever been amongst consumers. Antique white bedroom furniture has a universal appeal because it is different and can brighten up what would otherwise be a dark and dingy bedroom.

Other bedroom furniture comes in a rainbow of browns. Everything from mahogany to walnut to oak usually makes it into a bedroom but can make it seem smaller somehow, not to mention overbearing, and antique white furniture marks a distinct difference. It is undoubtedly unique and thus is definitely more difficult to find. Its popularity does not help with this problem but could potentially raise its value even further.

Antique white bedroom furniture does not have one particular and definitive style. It can be found in a wide range of designs so that you can personally select one that matches your tastes and home dcor. The fact that it is different in colour means that it gives a room a better, lighter quality than most bedroom furniture and adds an elegance to every room that is hard to create from scratch.

Antique white bedroom furniture combines European and American styles. This combination makes it completely different to anything that has ever been created before, although it has been subjected to a few attempted recreations since. It has an innate sense of style that can fit in with most individual tastes so very few people actually dislike it. Most antique furnitures are an acquired taste but antique white furniture is not too hard to get used to! For more info see on Replacement Hardware For Antique Furniture.

Some antique styles can prove to be very expensive but antique white bedroom furniture is in fact more affordable than the majority of its competition. There is the opportunity to pick up some real bargains. Although there are some very expensive antique white furniture sets around, at least this gives you the choice. You can choose the set that best fits your budget so you do not have to break the bank to enhance your home with antique white bedroom furniture and neither do you have to compromise on quality. Whatever combination you are looking for, you can get it!

Antique white bedroom furniture is neutral in colour, shape and designs and so will fit into any bedroom and quickly become a household asset. It will blend in well with existing dcor and can be used to create a warmth and safe environment for children as well as adults. In short, antique white bedroom furniture is about as perfect as it gets so enjoy it!

David FaulknerBrunhilda Blog81244
Anallese Blog19245

Accounting's Role In Business Decisions

The people, who make decisions in accounting, make it based on three categories. First, people who manage a business, second, the external people of a business who have a direct financial interest to a business, and third the people and organizations that have an indirect effect on a business. This applies to non profit organizations as well. Management refers to the group of people who are in charge for operating a business and for measuring up to the profitability and liquidity goals. If a business is extremely large, then the management will most often require more than one person, and the people are hired to perform their job. Managers need to answer important questions such as what was the companys net income, and if they have a substantial rate of return. Does the company have enough assets, and which products bring in the most money? When making a decision, managers usually follow a systematic approach. Even though larger businesses require a more concrete analysis, they follow a similar pattern to small businesses.

Financing a business: Financing for a company is critical, because they need that money to continue their operations. Here is a nice website to find out more information about financing a business.

Investing in a business: Companies invest in their current assets so that it will make money for them in the future.

Producing goods or services: Operations and production management is responsible for developing and producing goods and services that the company can sell.

Marketing: Learning marketing and advertising skills so that they can distribute goods and services more efficiently.

Managing workers: Human resource management requires the hiring of qualified employees, and also paying them.

Providing information: The information management retrieves data about the company such as how much they made in the last month, and organize the information in a way so that it can be used. It also releases information to managers, and to important people outside the business.

Another group of individuals that needs knowledge in accounting is those you have a direct interest in the business, go figures. They use the information to analyze how a business is performing. Most businesses generally publish their financial report which shows how well they meet their profitability and liquidity goals. These statements display how well a company did in the past and probably most important, how well they will do in the future. However, many people outside the business also study the financial reports. They are the investors and the creditors.

The investors are the individuals that invest in a business and will keep a part of the ownership. They are concerned with their past success and failures, and also will like to know the potential earnings. A concrete analysis of the financial statement will help prospective investors base their decisions. Once they finish investing they must continue to study a business financial statement. Next, the creditors are the companies that lease money to businesses for short or long term needs. Creditors are the people that deliver money or provide services for companies in advanced before getting paid. Their main concern is whether a business will have the money to repay the money with interest in an approximate time. Some of the things they study before they make their decisions are a companys liquidity, cash flow, and profitability. Some examples of creditors are banks, mortgage companies, and insurance companies.

Over the years the shift of people who used accounting information has varied drastically. Now, it is heavily used by governmental agencies, and in matter of fact taxes is the main source of income for government. According to the rules and regulations of federal, state, or even local laws, individuals and companies are required to pay a variety of taxes. These include but are not limited to, sales tax, excise tax, social security tax, federal, state, payroll, and city income taxes. Each tax requires there own rules and regulations which can be very confusing at times. Reporting your taxes is a law and a very meticulous and tedious process. For example, The Internal Revenue Code contains over a thousand rules for delivering accounting information in federal income taxes. Also, most companies generally have to report to one or more regulating agencies in the United States. All corporations must answer to the Securities and Exchange Commission or SEC (To find out more information visit there website at This is set up by the government to insure and protect the public by regulating the buying and selling of stocks. Companies that are listed on the Stock exchange must adhere to the rules and regulations.

Some other groups such as labor unions analyze the financial statements of corporations to help negotiate a contract. The income of a company plays a major role in forming these contracts. The individuals who give advice to investors and creditors such as brokers and financial analysts have an indirect financial interest in a business. The amount of inertest in the financial health of corporations has been growing by consumer groups such as customers and the public. They are also concerned about how the corporation will affect the social patterns of the environment and of the people that reside in that area. The Presidents Council of Economic Advisers and the Federal Reserve Board use accounting information to set economic policies and programs.

Its interesting to note that about thirty percent of the businesses in the United States consist of non profit organizations. Some examples of non profit organizations (NPO) include hospitals, and universities. Some well known non profit organizations include Red Cross, YMCA, Better Business Bureau, and WWF(World Wildlife Fund, was formerly in a lawsuit and won against WWE World Wrestling Entertainment, which was originally known as World Wrestling Federation). You may think that the managers of these organizations dont need to know their accounting skills but they do. They still have a budget and needs to raise money just like any other business. They raise money by collecting it from creditors, donors, and even investors. They also need to have a nice plan and to pay creditors back in an efficient manner, and they also have to follow the tax rules. So even though businesses and non profit organizations have different agendas they both generally follow the same basic rules.

Accounting is a systematic information system that measures, process, and communicate information, particularly financial. When an accountant is making a measurement they must answer four simple questions. First, what is being measured, second when should a measurement be made, third how much money should be placed on what is being measured, and last how the measurement should be classified. These four questions deal with the basic rules of accounting, and the answers help establish what accounting is and what it is not. Accountants in different fields challenge these questions every day, and therefore the answers are changing often so thats why its a good idea to keep to date with some of the trends.

Mathew Butka is a stay at home dad of 2 sons, small business owner, and entrepreneur. One of Mathew's current endeavors can be found at Http://www.WhyFundraiser.comBeth Blog11758
Arlene Blog12923

What is Continuing Education?

Continuing education in general is quite similar to adult education since it is also intended for adult learners, especially those adults who are beyond traditional undergraduate college or university age. However, it is wrong to club continuing education with other educational programs such as vocational training. As its name suggests, it is a continuation of education. The student of continuing education already has an education prior to taking up continuing education.

Continuing education in the simplest term is a form of post-secondary learning activities and programs. Some of the programs under continuing education may include non-degree career training, degree credit courses by non-traditional students, formal personal enrichment courses, workforce training, experiential learning, and self-directed learning which is done through online interest clubs and groups or personal research activities.

Many universities and colleges in the US cater to continuing education programs. Often there is either a division or a school of continuing education, which is also at times given names such as university extension or extension school. Continuing education involves both credit-granting courses as well as non-credit-granting courses. Such non-credit-granting courses are often taken for personal, non-vocational enrichment. There are many community colleges in the US that cater to such programs.

It is not only students who need continuing education, but also professionals who need it to update their knowledge and skill set. In fact, it is a compulsory for people practicing certain professions. Licensing authorities in a number of fields make continuing education compulsory on members who hold licenses to practice within a particular profession. The licenses to practice their profession are issued for a fixed term and are to be renewed after the expiry of this term. If they fail to update themselves through continuing education, their licenses are not renewed. This is done to encourage professionals to expand their knowledge base and keep pace with new developments. This may be achieved through college or university coursework, extension courses or conferences and seminars attendance.

The method and format of delivering continuing education includes conventional classroom lectures as well as distance learning. Students who enroll for continuing education in a college or university often opt for classroom and laboratory classes. However, much weight is given to distance learning as maximum of those who opt for continuing education are working people who have little or no time to attend classroom lectures.

In such distance learning, education is imparted through CD-ROM material, videotapes, and broadcast programming. Education online is also one area that has seen fast development in recent years. Material for study is delivered over the Internet. In fact online degrees are pursued by many students and professional who finds them very convenient. Students can earn some extra pocket money working part time and professional can pursue an online degree that will help them in career growth.

Other than CD-ROM material, videotapes, and broadcast programming, continuing education is also delivered through independent study and use of conference-type group study. Again the Internet plays a big role here. These groups with similar interests meet together online and discuss and exchanges ideas and knowledge. These online communities are very effective in sharing knowledge and new findings.

Another way of facilitating continuing education is through seminars and workshops. A combination of traditional or conventional, distance, and conference-type study, or two of these three types, may be used for a particular continuing education course or program.

Find the school of your choice online now at

Manu Goel is senior editor at http://www.keydegree.comCate Blog8756
Bev Blog59782

Online Associates Degree

Associate degrees are commonly referred to as undergraduate degrees. Duration of studies is counted as units or semester credit hours. Each semester has 15 credit hours hence an Associate degree is earned once a student reaches the minimum 4 semesters, equivalent to 60 units or semester credit hours. Associate degrees are generally 2-year degrees, like those conferred at community colleges. Now, associate degrees are available online, allowing you to study whenever or wherever you want.

An associate degree is defined as, An academic degree awarded by community colleges, junior colleges and some bachelors degree-granting colleges and universities upon completion of a course of study usually lasting two years.

The program consists of three parts: general education requirements, major requirements, and electives. Online associate degrees are the same as on-campus or in-classroom associate degrees, but the degree can be taken entirely through the Internet or by distance education.

An online associate degree in business, liberal arts, and other disciplines, is widely accepted for transfer into bachelor's degree programs throughout the country.

Types of Associate Degree Programs:
A.A. - "Associate of Arts" degree
This degree is designed to transfer to a four-year college or university.

A.A.S. - "Associate of Applied Science" degree
Designed to prepare graduates for career entry or job advancement after 2 years of college study. AAS degrees may transfer in whole or in part to 4 year colleges. A.A.S degrees may also be known by occupational specific titles such as Associate in Engineering Technology, Associate in Business, etc.

A.S. - "Associate of Science" degree
Designed to transfer to a 4 year college or university.

Occupational Degree
Also referred to as "applied" degree programs, an occupational degree program at a two-year college is designed to prepare students to enter the workforce immediately following graduation. The primary function is career preparation, however some courses and/or programs may transfer to 4 year colleges.

Online Associate Degrees
Associated degrees available nationwide include disciplines such as accounting, arts and humanities, business and management, marketing, design, graphic design, early childhood development, education, engineering, fire science, health sciences, hospitality management, human resources management, law and paralegal, criminal justice, social sciences telecommunications and technology.

Taking a degree in-classroom, online or by distance learning makes no difference except for the cost, time and place. Other than these aspects, education and programs are common to all of them, although there is less emphasis on an industry-specific competency. An Associate degree is more focused on learning the basic academic discipline, than in specialization.

All associated degrees are available through the Internet, but accelerated online programs make it easier to earn a certificate in less time. Earning an Associate degree also enables students to enter interesting professions, with minimal additional training in the field of electronics, health care and other faster growing occupations.

When you earn Associate degree online, you will not be singled out because yours was distance learning. A certificate for an Associates degree looks the same, regardless of whether it was earned online or on a campus. When you learn online, you will find that you can schedule work, family obligations and fun as well as learning into your busy life. Lectures can be downloaded and listened to at any time. Documents can also be read on the website, and you can turn in your homework assignments by e-mail or fax. Those who want to earn associate degree online but who are not sure how to get started should browse through various programs and locate one that is right. This requires a lot of research, but ultimately it pays off in the form of greater confidence, qualifications, and pay.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog64485
Aurilia Blog35749

Six Foolproof Steps to Finding and Choosing a Professional Hair Braider

So, you've decided to have your hair braided. Wonderful! A foundation in African culture, braids are a stylish way to create a new look, and a great alternative when you want to give your stressed tresses a rest.

Now that you've decided to embark on the braid journey, finding someone qualified to bring your desired look to life can be challenging. There are a plethora of braiders to choose from, each conducting business on different levels.

Many braiders work in salons. They rent booth space and provide braiding services during salon hours. Some salons are exclusive to hair braiding. Other braiders freelance and do business from their home or yours. With so many options, how do you find a braider that is right for you?

In my own recent journey to finding a braider as I transition from a chemical relaxer to natural hair, I was faced with the very same question. After much braider drama over the years - from braiders in pajamas, braiders who braid too tight and braiders who stop to run errands and cook meals - I decided to be more selective in my search for a professional braider who met all of my criteria (more on that later).

Based on my new strategy, I've put together the following six steps to help you find and choose a professional braider that is right for you:

1. Make the Decision - You already know you want your hair braided. Now you must decide if you prefer the foundation of the salon environment, or if you prefer the more relaxed one-on-one setting you'll find with a freelance braider. You know your style and your comfort zone. Go with what makes sense for you.

2. Shop Around - Ask for referrals from family, friends, co-workers or your regular hair stylist. Look through the Yellow Pages under "Beauty Salons & Services" to find listings for braiders in your area. Check out for your area as well. A lot of salons and freelance braiders take advantage of this free form of advertising to generate business. Do a search for "braids" in the "services" section of Craigslist. And remember while shopping, many states do not require braiders to have a cosmetology license for their services. For more on this subject and to see your state's requirements (if listed), click here:

3. See the Work - While in the shopping stage, you definitely only want to consider braiders whose work you can actually see. If they were a referral you've probably seen the work firsthand on someone. If you found them in the Yellow Pages or on Craigslist, ask if they have a website or online photo album that you can view if it isn't already listed in their advertisement.

4. Choose Three - Take your time to really study the braiders on your list. Consider prices, creativity of style and location convenience. Look for a slight edge that makes them stand out (more on that in a bit). Make sure they know how to create the style you're looking for. Factor in all of these elements and choose your top three.

5. Visit - Contact your top three choices and arrange a time to meet face-to-face. Each visit should last no more than 15 minutes. That is more than enough time to survey your surroundings and get a feel for the person performing the services. I can't put enough value on the importance of meeting potential braiders face-to-face. Know what you're walking into before you walk into it.

Be up front and let them know that you are interviewing braiders and would like to come by to meet them personally. If they object, take them off your list. Otherwise, plan your visits within two to three days of each other so each experience is fresh in your mind and you can make a sound decision. If you're choosing to have your hair braided in a salon, you can usually walk in during normal business hours without an appointment. I still recommend making the arrangements ahead of time as a courtesy.

Quick Safety Tip: Always let someone know when you'll be visiting a new braider and give them all the contact information. You can never be too careful!

Once in front of each braider, ask the same set of standard questions so that you can compare the responses. Take notes and share your past experiences. Make sure your expectations are crystal clear.

Pay attention to the vibe you're feeling while you're with each braider, it makes a difference. And remember, the objective of the visit is to evaluate the overall level of professionalism. This is the time to tie in what you already know with what you will learn in the face-to-face visit to see if they match.

Here are the criteria you should look for from start to finish in a professional braider:

* Prompt - Answers your initial phone call or e-mail request for more information (such as price for a certain style) within 24-hours.

* Reliable - Someone who is dependable, punctual, and who will contact you immediately if their schedule changes.

* Appearance - They don't have to be dressed to strut down a runway, but they should at least be dressed!

* Focused - While braiding, the focus should be on the task at hand, not anything that will be a distraction from completing the job. In a salon or in a home, this is a business and it should be treated as such. Bathroom and lunch breaks within reason are of course acceptable.

* Clean - Surroundings should be clean and well kept. You want to feel comfortable and not have the creepy crawlies the entire time you're there. If getting extension hair and the braider provides the hair in their price, the hair should be new and in an unopened package. Never accept partially used hair.

* Friendly - While you may not become best friends with your braider, you do want to feel comfortable with the person who will be "in your head". Especially if this is someone you are considering going back to in the future.

* Hair Health Conscious - As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of braiders out there. Unfortunately, not enough of them are really tuned into the needs of hair. Braiding is a wonderful method to use to give the hair a rest so that it can grow to optimal potential. However, if done incorrectly, braids can cause severe damage and breakage. The hair braider you choose should be gentle, doesn't use a lot of tension while braiding, doesn't put too much extension hair on each braid that weighs down your natural hair, and should provide hair maintainence tips before, during and in-between each set of braids.

* Affordable - The person you choose should be someone whose work you like and their price fits within your budget. As a rule of thumb, freelancers should charge less than salon braiders. Don't forget to ask ahead of time what forms of payment are acceptable.

*Experience - Years of experience as well as experience with all types of ethnicities, hair textures and hair conditions are equally important. Someone with five years of experience may work with several clients who have balding and thinning issues, while someone with 15 years of experience may have limited exposure in this area. Think of your own needs and consider what works best for you.

* Slight Edge - Look for golden nuggets that make braiders stand out: websites; online photo albums; work guarantee (will correct mistakes free of charge or money back); location convenience; braiders who will accompany you to the beauty supply store to select the right type of hair; and freelance braiders who travel to you. These and other above average traits are all pluses that rank higher in the selection process.

6. Choose and Follow Up - Remember, this is a business transaction. You should not only expect professionalism, but you should also demonstrate professionalism in the process. Once you've made your choice, reconnect with each braider either by phone or e-mail to let them know your decision. Start with the braiders who didn't make the cut. Thank them for their time, let them know you chose to go with someone else and wish them continued success. Period. No explanation needed.

Next, contact the braider of your choice, thank them for their time and book your appointment!

In the end, I chose the mid-priced braider. She is very concerned about hair health, which is also of great importance to me. And while my appointment isn't until next month, I feel confident about my selection and the steps I took to make my decision.

Use these same steps to finding and selecting a professional braider and you will be well on your way to a great new look and an overall pleasant experience from start to finish. Happy braiding!

Kitara R. Wilson is a freelance writer and successful Warm Spirit business owner. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from Mills College in Oakland, Calif.Aleta Blog9035
Alex Blog52245

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